Wednesday 28 January 2009

Close up on an STD

Nobody told this one what a dog means.

They'll love him.

Read more Tolkin if you're stressed.

This delicious pop escaped lil wayne.

We're just giggin' at the moment.

The jungle was his home, the animals were his family. The school bus had long since departed.

He'll never get that in there, surely.

Now just shut up bitch, i'm sick of your crap!!!

Do not disturb it.

Find out who am I to?

The Emerald Dragon, and it's embarrassing disabled son

aberrant reindeer

I was told there would be dancers, but there is no dancers.

I could draw you.

OI! vaaaaaait foooor it.

One planned it, one executed it, and one did nothing much.

Do you, er, come here often?

"If you think i can get up. I can't get up".


Don't talk to him, he's an asshole.